Men's Grooming Blog

Gorillakilla Hair Hacks 101, Hair Products for Men

Gorillakilla Hair Hacks 101, Hair Products for Men

For too long, men have felt the lingering stigma that they do not value self-care as strongly as women. In reality, when you analyze market trends,...
Gorillakilla Dating Hacks 101, Soap Made for Men

Gorillakilla Dating Hacks 101, Soap Made for Men

Men’s Mint Lovin’ Soap by! Q: Can the scent of peppermint help women achieve orgasm?  A: It is said that more than any other scent...
Gorillakilla Grooming, What Goes Into Our Men's Grooming Tools?

Gorillakilla Grooming, What Goes Into Our Men's Grooming Tools?

How we do the voodoo that we do, or simply put, what goes into our men’s grooming tools and grooming kits? We are going to review why we choose the...
Gorillakilla Grooming Hacks 101, Men's Nail Cutters, Nailing Down Plans this 4th of July is Easy!

Gorillakilla Grooming Hacks 101, Men's Nail Cutters, Nailing Down Plans this 4th of July is Easy!

Quickly, what pops into your mind when you think 4th of July; fireworks, BBQ’s, swimming pools, beaches, bikinis and obviously hotdogs as in Coney ...
GorillaKilla on Parenting, Fathers Day, the Second Hardest Job in the World?

GorillaKilla on Parenting, Fathers Day, the Second Hardest Job in the World?

Let’s jump right in, I am a father of four, three of whom are girls and as a father of three girls I pay particularly close attention to the Women’...