Men's Grooming Blog

Gorillakilla on a Well Groomed Man, Kickboxing and How I Discovered a Confidence I Didn't Even Know I Was Missing!
Or, The Hardest Workout I’ve Ever Done
I’ve been working out for years: running, jogging, hitting the gym, cycling. You name it. I’m in relativel...

Gorillakilla on Men's Nail Cutters, How to Cut Your Nails!
Clip your nails, cut your nails. It sounds simple, right? Because it is!
Women take a proactive approach and do their nails like clockwork. Men o...

Men's Grooming Hacks 101,Spring Cleaning with Personal Grooming: Part 2
Nailing It Down
Part 2 is for all you Freddy Krueger’s out there.
That’s right we’re talking about fingernails and nailing it down. We know what yo...

Gorillakilla Grooming Hacks 101, Spring Cleaning with Personal Grooming: Part 1
Your Public Billboard
Who doesn’t get a little excited about the first day of spring? If you live in a large city people start returning to the p...

Gorillakilla Grooming Hacks 101, Men's Nail Cutters, There’s No Business Like TOE Business!
The summer season is upon us and it seems no matter how many times we wave our best men’s grooming practices flag, we continue to see a huge portio...

Gorillakilla Grooming Hacks 101, Springtime Grooming for Men, It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Springtime!
Well, not exactly but if you’re like us and reside here in the Northeast then you know this past Wednesday afternoon we were granted a few hours o...